How we find the perfect job for you in Belgium

Step Icon Application
Apply via our website or submit an open application.
Step Icon Screening
Our recruiters will contact you by phone to review your experience, skills, education, and language abilities.
Step Icon Matching
Based on your skills and experience, we’ll find the job and company that suit you best.
Step Icon Interview
If you and the company are interested, we’ll set up a video call.
Step Icon Welcome
If you are selected for the job, we’ll take care of your arrival in Belgium.

Why Axintor Interim?


Success stories

Get inspired by talented individuals who’ve found a job in Belgium through Axintor Interim.

Axintor Interim is a company that always has been correct with me

I would like to thank Axintor Interim very much, for the good opportunity of work. Axintor Interim is a company that always has been correct with me. Also a BIG thanks to Silas for always being available to help me anytime I needed help. Thank you! 

Great service!

Great service! Their team has human qualities and is ready to help those looking to improve their work conditions. They are attentive, supportive, and excellent listeners, providing helpful and efficient information. Congratulations on creating a company that offers human support seamlessly, benefiting everyone involved. Thank you very much!

Fantastic company

Axintor Interim is a fantastic company with highly skilled professionals and a strong focus on human values. They offer excellent job opportunities with integrity. Working for them is truly enjoyable, and I feel incredibly happy. The support and opportunities they've provided me with are truly appreciated. Thank you for trusting us.

I couldn’t have done anything without the guidance of Axintor Interim

Hi, my name is Marius. After a short search on the internet as well as on the recommendation of some friends, I started collaborating with Axintor Interim. Kim and Joke, two professional people, helped me with accommodation, transportation to work and finally work. Having a medium level of knowledge of English and a not very rich CV, I started working as a painter. Due to my motivation, I learned and developed. I am working with a lot of enthusiasm but also a sense of responsibility. I want to thank Joke, Kim and Interim Axintor, because I couldn’t have done anything without their guidance.

I will definitely be back soon

I am very pleased. Mrs. Aldona is the coordinator for me, my husband, and my son. Alwasy willing to help, effective, and caring for us employees. I highly recommend and thank you very, very much. I will definitely be back soon.