Workers in Belgium typically pay relatively high taxes on their income. 

The good news? Many people are eligible for a refund of their tax contributions at the end of the year. However, many taxpayers find navigating the Belgian tax system challenging, especially if they have relocated there for work.

Axintor has partnered with Taxback to help you easily claim your Belgian refund online. Every year, Taxback assists thousands of individuals, couples, students, and seafarers in claiming their Belgian tax refund. The average Belgian tax refund is a substantial €2,300.

Taxback has created this guide to help you understand and manage your tax obligations in Belgium.

The Belgian tax system

The tax year in Belgium follows the calendar year – from 1 January to 31 December.

The income tax rates are as follows:

Social Security Contributions: While working in Belgium, both you and your employer must pay social security contributions. These contributions are deducted by your employer from your salary. Employee contributions are typically around 13.07% of your gross salary, while employer contributions usually range between 25% and 30%. This helps cover a range of benefits, such as old-age pensions, unemployment benefits, family allowances, and sick leave.

Tax-Free Allowance: Belgium offers a tax-free allowance that reduces the amount of tax owed. For income earned in 2023, the allowance is €10,160, increasing to €10,570 for income earned in 2024.

Key tax dates

  • 1 January: Start of the new tax year.
  • 30 June: Tax filing deadline for residents filing paper tax returns.
  • 15 July: Tax filing deadline for residents filing online tax returns.
  • 16 October: Tax filing deadline for self-employed individuals.
  • 22 November: Tax filing deadline for non-residents.
  • 31 December: End of the tax year.

Am I a resident or non-resident in Belgium for tax purposes?

You are considered a non-resident in Belgium if you live there for less than 183 days and maintain strong ties to your home country. Non-residents pay tax only on their Belgian-sourced income, while residents are taxed on their worldwide income.

Am I entitled to a tax refund?

There are various reasons why you may be eligible for a Belgian tax refund, including if:

  • Your earnings do not exceed the tax-free allowance.
  • More than 75% of your total annual income was earned in Belgium.
  • You worked in Belgium for part of the tax year.

You can apply for a refund on your own or use a tax specialist, such as Taxback.

When can I apply for a Belgian tax refund?

You can claim your tax refund at the end of the tax year. The good news is that you can go back three tax years to claim your Belgian tax refund, meaning you can still apply for refunds for the 2021, 2022, and 2023 tax years.

How can Taxback help?

Taxback offers a specialized tax refund service in Belgium. With over 25 years of experience, their team ensures you claim every tax benefit you’re entitled to. Since Belgium has one of the highest tax rates in Europe, many workers may be due a significant tax refund. In fact, Taxback’s average Belgian refund is €2,300!

To claim your tax refund, you will need your Loonfiche 281.10 / Fiche de Rémunération 281.10. This document, issued by your employer at the end of the tax year, outlines your total pay and the total tax withheld throughout the tax year. You should receive this form by April of the following year. If you haven’t received it, Taxback can help track it down for you!

Why use Taxback?

  • No paperwork – easy online process
  • Maximum legal tax refund guaranteed
  • 100% compliance with tax authorities
  • Multi-lingual service
  • 24/7 Live Chat support

To claim your maximum tax refund, simply complete Taxback’s short application form.